Category: About Furnished Apartments

Why stay in a hotel when you can stay in a furnished rental instead?

Hotels and motels are designed for people who are traveling and need a temporary place to stay. There are different types which vary in cost and quality, all handling basic needs. Included in the room is a bed(s), dresser, TV, seating area, desk and bathroom. The space is very tight and can get uncomfortable after […]

What to Look for in the Best Apartments for Rent

The best apartments are those that make people feel welcome and comfortable. They might consist of high-tech innovations, extreme renovations, or close proximity to work. Everyone has standards. “The best” could mean separate things for two different people. Knowing what you want and don’t want early on will make finding the best apartment for rent […]

Unfurnished vs. Furnished Apartments: Pros and Cons

So, you want to get into a rental apartment. After looking around you may feel overwhelmed, do you go for unfurnished or furnished apartments? With so many available options out there, it is hard to know what suits your needs. The best thing to do is understand the differences and pros and cons between unfurnished […]

Furnished vs. Unfurnished Houses: Pros and Cons

You may be transitioning your life, or relocating because of work and you need a place to stay. You know you want to rent a house but are unsure if it should be furnished or unfurnished. The first step is to differentiate between the two and find out what the pros and cons between furnished […]

A Tale of Two Listings – Unfurnished vs. furnished rental

The bathrooms needed their grout to be professionally restored. The professional grout restorers removed all the mold, mildew and dirt build-up. Worth every penny, it enabled us to avoid two full bathroom renovations. The kitchen required new countertops; new appliances and the floors had their grout restored as well. The old countertop had creases heavily […]